I'm Confused, As Usual

8/16/2009 03:16:00 PM | 0 Comments

Okay. I'm a smart girl. I should be able to figure this out, but.... When I saw my surgeon, he gave me some paperwork about pre-op and post-op stuff. We also discussed protein shakes. I told him I'd been trying them out. He said Isopure powder (vanilla) was fine.

I saw the nutritionist (during pre-op) and she gave me basically the same sheet as the doctor had. She said to do only clear protein drinks in the clear phase. She suggested that God-awful Isopure fruit crap. OMG, no way. She said that if I was doing protein shakes from powder, it was the same as eating dairy. And diary is for after 7 days out. But her sheet also says on the liquid phase you can have anything you blend as long as it's not bumpy, lumpy or chunky. So, I can puree lasagna during my liquids phase?? Somehow, I don't think so.

I'll check this further this week. I'm calling a different nutritionist tomorrow.


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