First off - whoo hooo to me - I have mailed my packet (25 pages) to the WLC.  I forgot that I needed to make copies of stuff.  Had to hook up my new printer.  But, I'm on my way again.  I hope they can get me pushed through quickly.  As I often mention :) I want my band.  I'm ready.  I've done all the pre-op.  Let's do it, people.

Okay, the rant.  I am so irritated with LBT and the way people get banned.  Urgh.  Yes, the guy did ignore the rules.  But, come on!  He isn't going to do that again.  We all enjoy him and want him back.  Being called his followers was a bit insulting.  Makes us sound like groupies.  Geez.  HH makes many valid points and since he has RNY, he's a good source of info.  He also pushes newbies to really investigate before choosing a surgery.  The mods on LBT have made a mistake here.  I hope it doesn't cause the regulars on PJTP to leave.  Guess if they (we) do, we still have Facebook.  I just hate the holier-than-thou attitude of Susan.  Okay, you have a job to do.  You shouldn't have to defend it.  Just do it.  But on this one, you're making a mistake.  End of rant.

Anyone reading this - please cross your fingers for me that my paperwork goes through quickly and that my insurance doesn't cause a big delay.  I wanna band....waaahhhh...NOW


Kinzie said...

I am crossing my fingers and my toes for you!

Beth said...

I just now read this, and obviously a bit late at that. lol

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